
Health insurance 2024

When you come to live or work in the Netherlands, it is mandatory to have health insurance with a Dutch insurer starting from the day you arrive. This requirement applies even if you already have health insurance from your previous country.

Moving to the Netherlands involves many things to consider, and we understand that choosing an insurer can be complicated. That’s why Staffice has made agreements with a Dutch health insurance company, so you can be insured while working with us.

In this agreement, we have taken into account important aspects such as urgent dental care, work-related physiotherapy, repatriation, and own risk.

You will be required to pay a fixed amount every week for your health insurance:

  • 2024: Health insurance: €35,52

Did you know that you might be eligible for a contribution towards your health insurance costs? This contribution is called “Zorgtoeslag.” Read here how it works.

More information about work in the Nederlands? Take a look on

Download the insurance folder in your own language using the links bellow:

Dutch | English | Spanish | Bulgarian | Croatian | Hungarian | Latvian | Lithuanian | Polish | Slovakian

Attention! If you have applied for health insurance with us, you will also see this reflected on your payslip. Please check this carefully. If the premium deduction does not appear on your payslip, report it immediately. This means that your health insurance has not been processed. You also need to sign a document for this.

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