Ik heb mijn Caribisch eiland verruild voor Nederland. Het land met de vele mogelijkheden, waar je dromen werkelijkheid kunnen worden. Vastbesloten dat ik er klaar voor was, was het tijd om het roer om te gooien in mijn leven en wilde ik zo snel mogelijk een baan vinden. Ik had gesolliciteerd via de website en …
A friend of mine pointed me to STAFFICE, for which I am immensely grateful. After successfully navigating the job interviews, I was given the opportunity to become a part of this company. To this day, I consider that decision as one of the best I have ever made. With great enthusiasm, I left Barcelona to …
“Ik heb mijn warme Caribische eiland verruild voor Nederland in de hoop op een betere toekomst. Zodra ik in Nederland arriveerde, ging ik op zoek naar werk. Een vriend van me, die al bij Staffice werkte, vertelde me dat ze op zoek waren naar nieuwe medewerkers. Ik heb meteen contact opgenomen en werd de volgende …
I met Staffice through a friend who recommended that I work for them. My friend was absolutely right about the agency; they are really good people, helpful, and they genuinely care about their workers. I left Argentina because I wanted to have better job opportunities in Europe. Besides working for Staffice, I like to engage …
I was ready for a new adventure so I searched for a job on the internet. And I have found a nice vacancy from Staffice. I applied for a job at Staffice and I was contacted promptly and came for a job interview. On the next day I had a job and started working for …
I am from Peru. When I was 10 years old I moved to Spain. I have been in the Netherlands for a year now and I can say that I´m very happy to be here. I came tot he Netherlands because I always wanted to experience living in a different country. I met Staffice through …
I’m very impressed with Staffice. Right after my arrival in the Netherlands, I was searching for a job. From the moment I’ve been contacted by Staffice, I’ve felt very comfortable and helped seriously.I couldn’t believe how fast I could start working already. The last months I have learned many new things and consider everyday a …
This time, we’re spotlighting Konstantinos and his thoughts on Staffice: “I come from sunny Athens, Greece. Eight months ago, after several years working in construction and as a baker, I decided to pivot and move to the Netherlands in pursuit of new opportunities. In my leisure time, I love walking & biking around to discover …
“I got in touch with Staffice through Indeed. I left the UK for a fresh start; I am from a small town on the outskirts of London and desired city living. I enjoy residing in Amsterdam and hope to settle here. I am passionate about football and a big rugby fan, and I love drum …
I highly recommend Staffice.nl as the top agency in the Netherlands. The team at Staffice truly cares about their employees, treating everyone with kindness and respect. As an employee, I feel valued and supported, and I know others feel the same. Originally from Ghana, I came to the Netherlands seeking better job opportunities. A friend …
I left the rich and historical country of Slovakia for The Netherlands.Slovakia is truly a stunning place with huge parts of untouched nature. The history connects many Kingdoms throughout time. I’m very proud of my roots and would recommend everyone to go there for a holiday. My family is a blend of Czech and Slovakian …
”I left Latvia to improve the quality of my life and experience life in a different country. The Netherlands caught my attention due to a prior work opportunity and I was pleasantly surprised by the genuine and goal-oriented nature of it’s people. In my leisure time I enjoy reading, cycling, and going for long walks …
My name is Marcos, I am 29 years old, and I’m from Córdoba, Argentina. In my home country, I worked as an operator in a cookie factory, where I was in charge of quality control. My duties included supervising the cooking process and ensuring the correct ingredients were used. I worked there for five years, …
Toen ik in Nederland aankwam wilde ik zo snel mogelijk aan de slag. Ik vond een vacature van Staffice online en besloot te solliciteren. Binnen korte tijd werd ik uitgenodigd voor een gesprek en ik kon gelijk aan de slag. Staffice is zeer vriendelijk, eerlijk en boven alles staan ze echt voor je klaar. Je …
My experience with Staffice was amazing. I was just arrived in Amsterdam, I applied in many agencies, but with them everything went so smooth and efficiently. They call me the day after directly to schedule an interview. After two days I got my first job in the Netherlands. Even after I started working they always …
We Both were born and raised in Hungary. I (Lilla) studied to become a teacher. I moved to London in 2012 and worked as an au pair for six years. In 2019, I moved to Switzerland and lived with a family as a nanny. Although it was not always easy to be so far away …
Mijn eerste ontmoeting met Staffice heb ik als prettig ervaren. Ik vond het fijn dat ik de mogelijkheid heb gekregen om via videobellen mijn sollicitatiegesprek te voeren. Na mijn eerste kennismakingsgesprek vond ik het spannend om naar Nederland te verhuizen, voor werk en een nieuw hoofdstuk in mijn leven. Drie maanden later is mijn zus …
Toen ik net in Nederland aankwam, was ik dringend op zoek naar een baan. Gelukkig was een bekende van mij heel enthousiast over het uitzendbureau waar hij voor werkzaam is, namelijk Staffice. Hij heeft mij kennis laten maken met Staffice. Ik werd uitgenodigd voor een gesprek en binnen korte tijd had ik een baan. Ik …
I am originally from vibrant Venezuela, a country rich in culture and history. I came to the Netherlands in search of better opportunities, and I am delighted to be working for Staffice. When I am not busy with work, I enjoy watching movies, trying new restaurants, and listening to hip-hop music. I am the proud …
I lived in Spain for almost two years, to do a master’s degree in data science, but in Holland I felt really welcomed and I currently live here. I believe this was the first country in the world that made me think about settling down. I found Staffice through a job search app and I …
They say good things come in twos, and that couldn’t be more true for me, Oscar. With a big brother and a twin brother in Spain, I come from a family of business-minded individuals who know the value of hard work. But life isn’t just about work. When I’m not excelling at my job, I …
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